Food Moxie, Sankofa Community Farm, and SWWAG present

Philly Growers Skillshare & Resource Event

Food Moxie’s

Philly Farm Resource Fair

Featuring resources and presentations from Jasmine Thompson of Philly Forests, Neighborhood Gardens Trust, Penn State Extension, Rodale Institute, Pasa Sustainable Agriculture, Widener SBDC, and Farm Credit.

Enjoy great food, make friends, and learn a bit more about local resources available to you.

Our doors will open at 4pm on the 13th. At 4:30 we’ll be given a tour and history of Philly Food Forests with its director Jasmine Thompson, followed by dinner and networking at 5pm, and speaker presentations and Q&A’s from 5:30-7:30.

We hope you’re as excited as we are!

*The Farm at Awbury Arboretum is ADA accessible

Wednesday April 13th, 4-7:30

Doors open at 4pm

The Farm at Awbury Arboretum

6336 Ardleigh Street, Philadelphia PA 19138


Register for this FREE event at the link below!

Farm Tour

Directed by Jasmine Thompson of Philly Forests


Provided by local chefs.


Presentations by our expert speakers followed by Q&A.

Philly Growers Skillshare

A meet up of Philly farmers to work, eat and learn together!

Tuesday April 12th, 10am - 3pm

Doors open at 10am

Sankofa Community Farm at Bartram's Garden

5400 Lindbergh Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19143


Register for this FREE event at the link above!